Monday, July 7, 2008

Life in the City

Here we are (finally with a computer that I can use for more then 10 mins) and I am very happy to be able to take a little more time filling you in on the details of our past two weeks. OK where do I start... I always have this problem that I can think of a million things to tell before I get to a computer but as soon as I am sitting in front of one, I can not think of a thing!
Well first off, let me tell you a little about how our daily routine has been we get up at 6:30 every morning, have breakfast at 7:15, and are at school by 8:00. We then had a four hour class, a hour and a half break and then off to various places throughout the city with our guide Oscar! Our afteroon trips took anywhere between two to four hours (including travel time) so you can imagine that by the time we arrived home around 5 or 6 at night we were exhausted... especially after speaking Spanish and listening to Spanish ALL day!
On our many trips around the sity we have seen beautiful things but also many things that I would be fine if I never saw anything like it again. This is referring mainly to some pictures we saw at UCA, where five Jesuit priests were brutally murdered and the cook and her daughter. I could only look at a few of the pictures but I saw enough! It was pictures of the morning after the murders. The pictures I have of the rose garden is where they were killed after being dragged from their dorm room quarters on the Catholic campus. It is hard to imagine that the beautiful peaceful garden we stood in is where such a horrible thing took place.
On that note, on to other, more cheerful what we have been eating!
Well, I have three words for you chicken, beans, and rice! There are occasionally other things thrown tortillas, eggs, and that is pretty much it. Nothing too exciting there. We have still not gotten to try a pupusa because our breakfast and dinner was made for us by our homestay mom and those are the only times the pupusarias are open! This week we should be able to get to one though.

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